Folk Art has been a subject traditionally linked to Latin American art in the US, from the 1929-30 exhibit of Mexican fine and applied arts at the Metropolitan Museum, and the famous show at MoMA “Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art” (1940). What was the continuation of this story in the second half of the 20th century? How did folk and craft from Latin America fit into the narratives of folk and craft in North America, and where are things now? These are questions posed by this second Cisneros Seminar in the Material Cultures of the Ibero-American World.

Paul J. Smith
Director Emeritus of the American Craft Museum (now the Museum of Arts and Design, New York City)
LATIN AMERICA: A Personal Perspective—Craft Heritage, Folk Art, Beyond

Calogero Salvo
Independent Film and Video Maker, New York City
Juan Félix Sánchez, a Film Portrait of an Artist

Cándida Fernández Baños de Calderón
Director of Fomento Cultural Banamex, Mexico City
Great Masters of Latin American Folk Art

Francesco Pellizzi
Editor and Co-Founder of RES Journal of Anthropology and Aesthetics, Research Associate in Middle American Ethnology, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University; Chair of the University Seminar on the Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, Columbia University